Friday, January 18, 2008

Top Ten Predictions for 2008

Some have listed posts based on the top ten events of 2007. Others have made predictions about what will happen in 2008. Some of those predictions come true and some don't. Those predictions are based on one person's opinions. Those predictions are futile - barely worth the paper they are written on.

I have the "Top Ten Predictions for 2008" which are a sure-fire bet. I can guarantee these predictions. So here are they are:

1) The Bible will still have all the answers.
2) Prayer will still work.
3) The Holy Spirit will still move.
4) God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5) There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6) There will still be singing of praise to God.
7) God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8) There will still be room at the Cross.
9) Jesus will still love you.
10) Jesus will still save the lost.

(source unknown)

These predictions are based on fact - and aren't you glad?

1 comment:

JMob said...

i like these predictions. i'd bet money on em. if i were a bettin man